Important notice: We are not related to the payday loan company or any overseas companies using the name Clear Sky Financial. We are Clear Sky Financial Pty Ltd. A 100% Australian owned Financial Planning Company, with Australian-based advisers operating under Australian Financial Services Licence Number 246638.

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A friendly, experienced team

David Le Roux 
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David Le Roux 

Senior Client Manager

David is a seasoned professional with a diverse background and formal qualifications in Communications and Business Management. His experience across various industries, including tertiary education, media and retail, allows him to connect with clients from all walks of life.

Having been immersed in the finance domain for the past three years, David brings a wealth of expertise to the table. His research skills and analytical mindset, combined with his understanding of superannuation, provides a unique perspective that contributes to successful outcomes for Clear Sky Financial clients.

David’s commitment to excellence and his passion for the financial industry, are evident in his dedication to staying informed about the latest industry trends and developments. His investigative skills, coupled with a keen understanding of the complexities of superannuation, make him a valuable asset to clients.

Away from the office, David loves to travel and explore diverse cultures and cuisines from different corners of the world. When he’s not travelling, you’ll find David surfing, lifeguarding or enjoying the water.